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Sales & Marketing

The sales process is moving online, with 80% of B2B sales interactions between suppliers and buyers projected to take place digitally by 2025. The new status quo leaves a huge digital footprint. In response, Chief Sales Officers (CSOs) are prioritizing improving sales analytics capabilities and investing in AI to improve seller effectiveness. Additionally, the number of people and channels involved in B2B buying decisions is growing; up to ten individuals across an average of ten channels are involved in most B2B buying decisions, creating a need for AI to help capture, analyze, and act on a high volume of digital signals for any given deal. helps sales, marketing, and customer success teams uncover every revenue opportunity from every customer by capturing all customer contacts, activity, and engagement to drive actionable insights.’s product empowers sales leaders to be more effective at managing their teams and growing revenue by giving them a complete picture of sales activities and leveraging AI to deliver sales performance analytics, personalized coaching, one-on-one feedback, and pipeline reviews. Customers can use the insights from persona analysis, opportunity health, and engagement in their preferred BI solution to improve forecast predictability. has positioned itself as the leading enterprise revenue intelligence tool by building data infrastructure that integrates with other sales tech solutions rather than seeking to replace them.

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