Climate Tech
Solugen is a company with a carbon-negative molecule factory that replaces petroleum-based products with plant-derived substitutes. Solugen's patented bioforge processes produce chemicals from bio-based feedstocks based on synthetic biology, metal catalyst engineering, and modular plant design developments. It aspires to reimagine the chemistry of everyday life with enzymes found in nature and wants to make chemicals better, faster, and cheaper while eliminating the need for fossil fuels in chemical manufacture.
Solugen: Decarbonizing the chemicals industry
How Two Young Scientists Built A $250 Million Business Using Yeast To Clean Up Wastewater
Climate tech’s newest unicorn makes chemicals from sugar, not fossil fuels
Houston’s Solugen Wants to Make Greener Chemicals — and Profits
Solugen raises $357 million to make chemicals from sugar, not petroleum
How Texas Could Solve Our Toxic Chemical Problem
Bright Ideas: Solugen
Solugen raises over $200 million Series D to reimagine the chemistry of everyday life