Each quarter, public companies face intense scrutiny from investors and analysts over the state of their earnings reports. If a company misses its consensus estimates for quarterly earnings, its stock will likely be met with a flurry of selling activity, causing the share price to plummet. In response to these pressures, companies tend to focus more on the following quarter’s report instead of their long-term strategic ambitions to satiate the demands of short-term investors.
Long-Term Stock Exchange (LTSE) is a new SEC-registered national securities exchange intended for companies and investors in every industry who share a long-term vision. By de-emphasizing the short-term focus of quarterly reports and requiring companies to describe how they will meet their long-term goals, LTSE wants to capitalize on the growing awareness of short-termism and its adverse effects while helping companies broaden their strategic time horizons.
Silicon Valley Is Quietly Building Its Own Wall Street
Silicon Valley’s new stock exchange opens for business
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Eric Ries, chairman of the Long-Term Stock Exchange, spoke to the Wall Street Journal on what it takes to foster socially responsible investing.
The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting
Avoiding the consensus-earnings trap